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Melenhorst Nursery

Rick took over Nursery Melenhorst from his parents. In this interview, he takes you through his profession, entrepreneurship and ambitions. His favorite Alstroemeria: Virginia, the best white variety for years!

Melenhorst Nursery

  • 1 hectares
  • 4-5 species

What makes this field so special for you?

The green! That you have an impact on something that blooms, grows and makes people happy. There is no one who says: gee are you in flowers? No, for everyone there is a positive association with our product. 

What I love about the Alstroemeria is that there is still a world to be won. The flower is still so unknown, how sustainable the flower is far from everyone knows. We can still really do a lot in terms of marketing. That's what makes this flower so special to me.

Can you describe your role and/or outline your involvement in the process?

I handle most of the growing, maintaining the climate computer, etc. All the office work is also with me: certification, accounting, personnel administration. My brother Niels does managing the employees and is the technical guy.

Which part of the process do you find most fun/challenging?

Entrepreneurship, what happens in your environment, how do you deal with it, make a beautiful product and earn a living with it.

What are you most proud of?

The stable team with which we go through the processes well every day and deliver great products as a result.

What does sustainable cultivation look like in your organisation?

Economical use of energy. Biological control if possible, chemical control if necessary but preferably as little natural as possible.

I also think that in terms of loading the trolleys there will be some changes, indeed I would like that to happen soon! If the flowers are a bit shorter (70 cm) we can transport an extra layer on a cart, then you are easily talking about 6000 stems extra per cart. We need to make sure we are not transporting air but full carts, that's what sustainability is about as far as I'm concerned.

What do you think makes the Alstroemeria so special?

He never disappoints, always comes open and stands tall.

How do you like to see the Alstroemeria?

Actually, everything is pretty but, I still marvel every time how a few stems in narrow vase already give such a cool effect.

What do you think most people (florists) do not know about the Alstroemeria?

That the flower is so durable, a true flower of the future! A perennial that gives constant stems.

What would you tell a florist about the Alstroemeria?

It stands so immensely long, so let it open up a bit beforehand so it is less stately in the bouquet. Always buy an Alstroemeria: a durable flower that provides security!

What ambitions do you have for the Alstroemeria?

In breeding you are never finished in any color an Alstroemeria that has all the positive characteristics. Strong, resistant to virus, soil temperature tolerant with good production.

Contact details Melenhorst Nursery

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